Join us for the 14th Annual Meeting of H.A.P.A.
February 2013
Greetings from HAPA
The HAPA Executive committee invites you to join us on May 21th2013 for the 14th Annual meeting of HAPA at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis. This year HAPA is featuring two very special presentations. One from Greece on “The Women’s Mental Health Clinic at Eginition Hospital, Athens, Greece: The first ten years” by Iannis Zervas MD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Athens University Medical School, Chief, Women’s Mental Health & Perinatal Psychiatry Clinic, Egintion Hospital, Athens, Greece. The other from the US by, Emmanuel Cassimatis MD, DFAPA, Professor of Psychiatry, F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine, USUHS, President and CEO President and CEO, Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG); Chair, Board of Directors, Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER). . His presentation, “Improving the quality of medical education worldwide: The contributions of ECFMG and FAIMER”. Both are timely and relevant as they are addressing some current central concerns.
The Hellenic American Psychiatric Association (HAPA) is the ONLY Hellenic psychiatric group in the APA promoting communication and addressing vital issues of interest to Greek or Hellenophile psychiatrists living in the US, Greece and in the Greek Diaspora. The Association meets annually on Tuesday evening at 6:00PM during the APA annual meeting. The executive committee of HAPA meets monthly via teleconference. All of HAPA business is on a volunteer basis mainly via the net. Currently, HAPA is in the process of establishing a foundation to fulfill its mission and advance its scientific and professional goals including the funding a post graduate fellowship to aspiring psychiatrists to further their professional development in any clinical or research special area of interest either in US or where ever their work is.
The HAPA business meeting follows the scientific presentation. A Dutch treat dinner at a gourmet restaurant with local flavors wraps up the evening in a relaxed enjoyable atmosphere. The annual meetings are exciting opportunities to see good friends, network, discover new friends and share cultural and professional experiences. Greek American psychiatrists need a home in the APA and HAPA is fulfilling that need. Join HAPA, or re-join HAPA. Become part of the growth of the only Hellenic psychiatric professional organization in the APA.
We urge you to join us in San Francisco. Renew your HAPA membership for 2013. HAPA membership dues are General Members $52.00, and $27.00 for Members-in-Training.
To register to attend, please complete this form then send in your payment.
See you in San Francisco,
Katina Matthews-Ferrari, MD, HAPA President 2011-2014
Maria T. Lymberis, MD, HAPA Founder, Past President