2018 President’s Letter
As your HAPA President, it is my pleasure to represent HAPA at home and abroad. We in HAPA are working to bring attention to the refugee crisis and Greece’s response. The NGOs we worked with appreciated knowing that they were supported by an organization that took their work seriously and had sent a representative to work alongside them. Those with whom I spoke in the US and Canada shared their own narratives of emigration and the importance of having a community that was knowledgeable and supportive of their experience. Talking about the Greek Diaspora was a meaningful way for our own community to connect with people who were fleeing war, famine, and persecution.
Within HAPA itself, we continue to work on increasing membership by personal outreach and continuing our tradition of presentations at the APA’s annual meeting. The website continues to represent us on the Internet, and we are exploring ways to incorporate through our chapter in Boston.
I look forward to your continuing support of HAPA. HAPA needs you to continue our progress in the coming years. See you at our 19th HAPA Annual meeting in NYC at the New York Marriott Marquis hotel at PALACE room on the 6th floor.
Philip Candilis, MD
HAPA President